Security & trust

Our certifications and awards

Certified Senders Alliance

Member of the Certified Senders Alliance

rapidmail is whitelisted by the CSA, which means the emails you send will be directly delivered to many major email providers such as Hotmail and Yahoo without spam filtering, ensuring that your delivery rate always remains high.

ISIPP SuretyMail

ISIPP SuretyMail / IADB email whitelisting

rapidmail is certified by the Certified Senders Alliance and accredited by ISIPP SuretyMail. This means that your email is directly delivered to many other well-known service providers (ISPs, ESPs) such as AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail and others.
When you send your email with rapidmail, you'll also benefit from certifications with more than 59 other providers and services, including popular spam filters such as SpamCop, SpamAssassin and SURBL.